How's Your Posture? It can be very easy to go about your day-to-day activities and not realize that your shoulders have been slouching all day. Bad posture could be a result from your occupation, stress, injury, or even muscle tightness. As we get older we tend to slouch more.
While it can be important to step out of your comfort zone from time to time, it is also beneficial to have your own daily routine. Especially a morning routine! Here are some benefits of having a routine.
Not only is rapid, shallow breathing a product of an overthinking mind, it also is a factor in recreating those feelings of stress and anxiety. In other words, it’s a two-way street. Breathing affects feeling and feeling affects breathing.
Sleep deprivation literally affects every aspect of your life, even at a cellular and hormonal level. Regularity is king when it comes to getting high quality sleep. Here are some tips on getting high-quality Z's!