Hot Summer Fitness Tips!
Sumer is in full swing and you are excited to take your workout to your local park, pool or trail! Here are some tips to keep you safe while getting fit on hot summer days:
🔸 STAY HYDRATED! Hydration helps prevent heat stroke. Drink before you are thirsty.
🔸 Sloooow Down. With heat and humidity, it is extremely important to let your body acclimate to warmer temperatures. If you feel tired or dehydrated, stop, find covered shelter and drink water.
🔸 Sunscreen often! Sunburns can dehydrate you.
🔸 Sunrise / Sunset. Plan to work out in the cooler parts of the day when the sun rays are not as strong.
🔸Sweat wicking, light attire for the WIN! Breathable, light, and light-colored fabrics help keep you cooler, protected and wick away sweat. Hats with brims and sunglasses will keep your head and eye protected to the max!
🔸 Sweat a lot? You may look into an electrolyte drink or supplement that helps replenish sodium and potassium.
Remember, before beginning any new exercise program or making changes to your existing program, be sure to check with your doctor or medical team.