Training During Your Cycle
For the Ladies 🌸 Did you know your cycle can affect your strength during your workout?
First let’s break down the two phases of a menstrual cycle.
• Follicular phase: this begins the same day that your period comes and continues until ovulation (approximately 14 days total).
• Luteal phase: this begins when ovulation occurs and will last until your next period arrives (approximately 14 days).
Research has shown that there are unique differences of a woman’s strength depending on which phase of her cycle she is in. During the follicular phase a females strength is at her best. Whereas strength levels dip lower during the luteal phase.
The follicular phase is also when testosterone levels peak (specifically the week after your period). Whereas testosterone levels are shown to decrease during the luteal phase.
So what does all this mean for all of the woman out here trying to get in and stay in shape?
It is normal to have your strength fluctuate during the month. While it may be unfair that men don’t have to go through these phases, we can certainly do our best to work with our menstrual cycle and not against it.
Next time you’re getting your workout in, pay attention to what phase of your menstrual cycle you are in. Instead of getting frustrated that you might not be progressing like you want to during your workout, it may just be that you’re in your luteal phase.
💜 Give yourself some grace and get back after it when you’re feeling stronger the next weeks. It's okay to not feel our best every time we workout. Just keep showing up and remember to TRAIN. RECOVER. REPEAT!
#trainingtips #menstralcycle #trainrecoverrepeat #gofit